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Strange but True: 15 Unbelievable Labor and Pregnancy Facts

The entire progression of pregnancy, labor and delivery in humans is one of the most studied and researched as well as intriguing. This is one of the most important phases of any person’s life – the creation as well as the development of a life within someone is at the same time magical and scarily real. In this short period of time, the body undergoes the most intense physical and emotional changes. In some women, the changes might appear in a very prominent manner, while in some, not so much. Even though the phenomenon is universal, the experience is highly personal.

This understanding has also helped explain some of the most Weird Pregnancy Symptoms, and everything related to it. Like it is said, whichever way your body appears to react or change to the pregnancy, you should accept it as your own personal experience.

Facts which might appear strange about this 9-month term! 

Read on to know more:

  1. Better vision

Pregnancy brings along with it many advantages for the mother – in addition to the gift of life. Apart from the cosmetic thicker hair, fairer skin and stronger nails, it changes vision for the better in some rare cases.

According to experts, this happens either due to the hydration of the cornea or fluctuations in the blood sugar brought on by gestational diabetes – both which result in swelling or shrinking of the eye lens. This means that sight could either improve or worsen – so that is basically a coin toss. Prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.

  1. Mosquitoes love you

Pregnant women are twice more attractive to mosquitoes compared to other people. These bloodthirsty suckers detect human presence from body heat and some scents which arise from bodily chemicals like lactic acid.pregnancy facts

The increase in body temperature during pregnancy results in a greater release of volatile substances from the skin, which in turn attracts more mosquitoes. Note to ladies, always carry mosquito repellant creams wherever you go

  1. Snoring- Musical gift of pregnancy

Nights with a pregnant woman can get musical. Pregnancy has been reported to induce snoring in women which can get frequent in the third trimester. This has been attributed to the fact that the nasal passages could get swollen during pregnancy due to a number of reasons.

These include an increase in blood in the body which leads to swelling of blood vessels, increase in body-weight and higher levels of estrogen which leads to swelling of mucous membranes.

  1. False labor: The baby prank

While a woman needs a ‘labor’ before delivery, there could be several ‘false labors’ before the actual one. Called Braxton Hicks contractions, these sensations are the body’s way of preparing for the actual labor and they occur mostly during the third trimester.

They are irregular and usually stop with walking or change of positions. They are weak and are felt only in the front, in the pelvic region.

  1. Decrease in physical demands

Pregnancy and labor bring about a great decrease in the sex drive and libido. In some cases, mothers take almost a whole year to revive the sex drive.

Note , however that though this happens, a woman could get pregnant even within days of delivery if there is unprotected sex.

  1. Superfatation: Its possible!

It may sound jaw-dropping but it is true that a woman can get pregnant even when she is already pregnant! The phenomenon is known as superfetation.

This happens when a woman ovulates a few weeks into pregnancy and has unsafe sex. The babies are born together though one of them is not full-term. However, this is a rare happening because pregnancy usually shuts down a woman’s ovulation cycle.

  1. From “Peach” to “Watermelon”: Change is unbelievable

In the months of your pregnancy, your uterus enlarges from the dainty size of a peach, to that of a watermelon.


Imagine that for a second! Also, newborns are getting heavier and heavier as the time progresses – recently it was reported that a woman gave birth to a child weighing 15 pounds and 7 ounces. Guess you do need a watermelon sized uterus for that.

  1. “Smell” it like a Sniffer

During the pregnancy, your smelling sense will heighten in an accelerating manner.

This is basically your bodies way for you to help determine which food will be healthy for the baby, and which won’t.

  1. YUK! OK! Stop thinking about it

During the first three months of pregnancy, your baby’s fingerprint starts developing, and in the second half of the pregnancy, he or she is going to pee about a litre per day, and drink it.

Try to wrap your mind around that factoid for a second.

  1. Change is incredible

During the last part of the pregnancy, the placenta produces more estrogen than a non-pregnant woman produces in three years. And a pregnant woman or a new mother can lactate at the sound of a baby crying – even if it is not theirs! This is just a testimonial to how much your body is about to change once you conceive.

  1. Ooh YES! Babies can TASTE

Babies can taste what their mommies have been eating – this sense of flavor -especially the strong ones like garlic can pass through the amniotic fluid to reach the baby.


This fact is backed up by scientific studies, and as bizarre as it might sound, it s totally true.

  1. Large frame? You can expect everything  larger than regular

If you are tall or overweight, there is a higher chance that you might give birth to multiple children.

Statistically at least, you stand a better chance at having twins or triplets, if you do belong in the tall or overweight genetic pool.

  1. Heart burn= Bushy baby head? COOL!

One totally bizarre fact or coincidence, whatever you might say, is that the old wives’ tale which goes on to say that you will have a baby with a full-head of hair if you experience heartburn’s during pregnancy –  it is absolutely true!

  1. Bleeding nose? Don’t worry, it’s normal

During pregnancy, your skin will suffer a lot of changes, and as body tends to retain the food and water that you consume, your feet will also begin to swell.

A common occurrence during this time would be nosebleeds and exceeding blood flow even in case of the smallest cuts. Do not get afraid, this only happens because of the increased blood circulation during pregnancy, and is completely normal.

  1. “Sympathetic Pregnancy”: Daddy it’s for you!

Reserving the most bizarre for the last: Expectant fathers too display pregnancy symptoms! Called as the Couvade syndrome or sympathetic pregnancy, it happens due to excess empathy by and/or stress on the father. Thus, when a spouse bleeds, the husband may cramp and as the woman advances in pregnancy, the man too might develop a baby bump with breasts!

Therefore, you see, there are a lot of things that can appear very bizarre in the light of the life-altering changes, but are actually quite normal and common in occurrence. Pregnancy is a magical experience  – enjoy and relish it.

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