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6 Weird Pregnancy Symptoms No One Tells You About

Everyone tells you that you’re going to glow, get a shinier mane and get bigger boobs during your pregnancy but you’ve ended up with a bunch of embarrassing problems that you just weren’t ready for. Here are the top 6 weird pregnancy symptoms that you don’t get to read about in fashion glossies.

  1. Sticky pale yellow or white discharge

No pregnant woman ever complains about missing having her periods though pregnancy brings with it an unexpected vaginal discharge that can be very embarrassing to talk about at ladies night. Most pregnant women report a pale yellow or white discharge that requires them to change underwear often or wear a panty liner.

  1. Gas

When you get pregnant, your body experiences a hormonal surge that can significantly slow down your digestive system and leave you prone to constipation and excessive gas. What’s even more embarrassing is that most women seem to have very little control of how often and how audible their gassiness is though it can very easily be managed by adding a little exercise to daily routine and altering one’s diet slightly.

  1. Incontinence

Even if you have the most iron-clad bladder, you may become prone to episodes of incontinence when you get pregnant. Anything can provoke a little leakage including laughter, sneezes and coughs. Even if it’s barely a few drops, the feeling can be mighty embarrassing. However, regular trips to the bathroom can help avoid potential disasters well enough.

  1. Facial hair

Even as you are waiting eagerly to get the glowing mane that everyone promised pregnancy would bring, you may begin to notice hair growing in the most unexpected places. Most women report a spurt of hair growth on their faces, chest, abdominals and back during pregnancy thanks to all the hormones. Thankfully, the problem subsides when hormone level go back to normal after delivery though one should be careful to not opt for chemical treatments for hair removal during pregnancy.

  1. Hemorrhoids

As the GI tract slows down during pregnancy, constipation and hemorrhoids become a common complaint amongst pregnant women. The key to avoiding this embarrassing problem is to eat more fiber, stay well hydrated and use stool softeners as needed.

  1. Acne

A common notion about pregnancy is that it bestows a glowing skin on the expectant mother. Even though the magic works for a few women, most are left with unsightly pimples during their first trimester. Experts suggest using herbal remedies and avoiding chemical-based treatments though if your acne is at a manageable level, you can tough it out till hormones come back to a “normal” level as your pregnancy progresses.

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