Parenting bits

6 Things You Didn’t Know Your Baby Likes

Since those cute little beings can not speak of their likes and dislikes themselves, many parents use permutation and combination to discover likes and dislikes of their apple of the eye. Mostly parents zero down on the right things but often many things remain unnoticed and are missed out when it comes to the liking of the baby. Here we will talk about 6 such things that babies like but many parents are not yet aware of them.

Happy discovery parents!

1. Going for a walk

Whether your child can walk or you take the child in a stroller, your baby absolutely loves to go for a walk. Babies find every thing and every movement around amusing and interesting. Even a colorful flying butterfly is a thing to wonder about and be in awe of for a baby. Moving cars, nature, people, everything that a child sees and hears while he goes for a walk is worth admiration for the little one and therefore he simply loves to go for a walk.

2. Music at night time

Babies love music in general. They like to hear music all the more at night as that comforts them. It is often believed that babies stay in a silent and noiseless environment in the womb which is quite incorrect. All the sound and noise created inside the body due to the functioning of various body parts makes it quite a noisy environment for the baby in the womb. Hence, a little sound actually helps a baby to feel at ease and fall asleep more easily. So play some gentle or soft music at night time and he would simply love it.

3. Bright colors

Babies are very much attracted and fond of bright colors and hence they just love anything that us bright and colourful. Therefore, you will find babies playing more happily with brightly colored toys. Notice an additional joy in the face of your child when you dress him in a bright colored cloth.

4. Story reading

Babies may be too small to read stories themselves but they like the idea of you reading out stories to them. Story books with colorful pictures helps to stimulate the child’s imagination better and therefore they like such story books even more. Read out stories slowly to your child while putting emphasis on the words and act out as and when possible while reading the story. This gives immense enjoyment to small kids and they love it. Since babies love to hear the same stories again and again and love watching the same pictures in the books repeatedly, therefore you do not have to worry about finding new stories or buying new story books to come up with a new one every time. Remember your granny telling you the same story of the prince charming on a white horse rescuing the damsel in distress every time? Because they know from their experience kids just love it.

5. Pets

Babies are fond of pets like dogs and cats and they love to play with them much more than they like to play with their toys. They find the actions and movements of pets very interesting and are also amused by the different activities and behaviour. More over, they love to some in the joy of playing with a living thing.

6. Voice and smiling face of parents

As soon as your baby starts recognizing your voice and face, he starts liking them. Your voice and smiling face gives immense joy to the child and he simply loves them.

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