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How To Raise A Great Kid: 7 Tips For Working Parents

A safe and successful future of the children requires a nurturing and high quality early care. The first 5 years are very crucial for a young child’s development as studies show that early experiences hold a major influence on the child’s cognitive, social and emotional development. An efficient education with effective care can provide a solid foundation that helps a child stay strong and support the child in his adulthood.

Raising great kids hence requires effective parenting skills like spending quality time with children and being with them in their development phases. However, in the recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the maternal employment of the family lives all over the world, working parents are not able to spend adequate quality time with their children. This can be due to the long working hours or the stress of work pressure. However, this does not mean that working parents cannot raise great kids. They can adopt the following strategies.

1. Leave the office work at office

This is easier said than done, but by some planning and determination, it is possible. Make a separate plan for your office and home. This will enable easy transition from work to home and you will be able to leave the office work behind and concentrate on your child. Plan your office work in such a way that the difficult tasks are dealt with at the start of the day and not before going home. This will help you to reach home with a calm and relaxed mind which will help you spend a better time with your kid. Squeeze in some time for yourself before you reach home from work. You can do this by listening to music, exercising or reading a book. This will help you build a better relationship with your child.

2. Plan and be realistic

Be realistic by keeping in mind that no matter how hard you try, there will be situations when the balance between work and your child will get disturbed. This can happen due to night shifts, child’s illness or official tours and travel related to work. In these difficult times, take help of your family members and friends. Also, plan taking leaves accordingly as you never know when adversity may strike.

3. Enjoy and participate in the moments spent with your child

You need to convey to the child that you are paying attention to him/her by giving love, undivided and positive attention to your child. This can be done by letting your child do things on his/her ways, praising your child , making eye contact and if time permits playing with your child. This will reinforce positive behavior in your child.

4. Spending quality time with your child

Spending quality time seems to be an enormous task but it can be achieved anywhere and anytime. It need not be planned elaborately. Laughing and playing with your child while giving him/her bath, indulging in good conversation with your child during car rides and even telling stories in bed are ways to spend quality time with your child. You just need to pay attention to little details and listen attentively. This will help you connect more with your child.

5. Do not feel guilty and take care of yourself

Being working parent, if you are not able to invest a lot of time with your child, do not feel guilty. Bid the frustration, anger and disappointment goodbye and set aside some time for yourself. Eat healthy & balanced diet and socialize with your friends. It is important that you stay positive as your attitude and mood can have an effect on your child.

6. Stay connected throughout

You can make sure to call your child during your breaks or free time to let her know you care and also let your child know that she can call you whenever she/he feels like freely without being under the fear of you being disturbed. Mutual understanding needs to be developed with a kid. Also, you can install webcams at home to keep a check on your child’s activities and guide them what to do and how to thus monitoring through the webcam.

7. Work on family management

You can adopt some of the following family management techniques:

a) Set aside some time with your spouse as the positive vibes of your relationship will affect your child positively.

b) Organize household routine in accordance with both your and your child’s schedule. Make it less stressful by making checklists and to do plans are trying to work them out effectively.

c) When your child is old enough, give him/her some household responsibilities, so that he/she picks on being responsible early and can become independent.

d) Eat your meals with your child. It might not be possible to share lunch time with your kid, but do make sure that you are there for your child at dinner time. Even if one parent has to work, the other can make sure he/she is available for the child.

e) The child needs to know that he is being heard, even if you are not around with him all day. Make sure to be as involved in your child’s life as possible by listening to him, his stories, his worries, and his fantasies.

f) Whenever free, plan trips to your child’s favorite place or any educational tour to keep him connected to you and also associate with you when he thinks of fun.

With more mothers entering the workforce, family dynamics are changing. Mothers of today are seen to be able to spend less time with their kids than a mother of thirty years ago did. It is important that the condition of working and mothering goes hand and hand, and therefore requires both parents help in developing a more meaning relationship with their kids and also each other as the kids grow on what they see around them. Hence, when around kids, be absorbed in their life stories. Spend quality time with them and try to comfort them to sleep.

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