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8 Strategies That Can Help You Improve Your Child’s Concentration

The single biggest learning hurdle that children face today is that they cannot concentrate. To be able to finish any task in due time, the child needs to be able to concentrate on the task at hand, and focus on it. From not being able to focus on classroom studies to finding it hard to finish simple tasks, problems with concentration can affect the child’s development very adversely.

It is not just about concentration, if your child does not train his or her attention on a single thing for some time, he/she might miss out on a very important requirement for future learning. It is not about just their work, task or assignments, they need to understand that in order to fully grasp the meaning of a certain lesson or action, they would need to sit and stay in one place for a long enough duration to apprehend and follow instructions. However, these simple strategies can help you improve your child’s concentration skills very easily. Read on to know how:

  1. Eliminate distractions

The simplest way to boost your child’s concentration is to remove distractions around him/her. For example, if you ask your child to sit in their playroom to do the homework or leave the TV with his or her favorite show on or when you ask him/her to put away the toys, the child would be less inclined to focus on the task at hand.

Therefore, try to introduce the child to a neutral and positive atmosphere while trying to teach a lesson or an action. It would be better for him or her to learn and apprehend the same without any distractions.

  1. Give a single toy to play with

One of the most effective concentration boosting techniques that parents can adopt right from the time a baby learns how to hold on to things, is to give him/her a single toy to play with at a time.If you try to grab the child’s attention with a number of toys at the same time, his/her concentration skills will be hampered. Even when your child is a toddler, playing with just one or two toys at a time will improve the child’s focus, instead of a horde of toys – in which case he or she will obviously lose focus on just one and will probably be confused.

  1. Get the child’s hearing and eyesight checked

Lot of times, problems with eyesight and hearing do hamper the child’s attention immensely. If a child is unable to properly hear what he or she is being told or see what is written on the blackboard or in a book, he/she would have a harder time concentrating on it.

Therefore, get him or her a checkup, if the report comes up with no complications it is well and good, in which case you need to implement the strategies mentioned in this piece, but if for some reason there are indeed some problems with the hearing abilities and eyesight, take immediate and proper action to ensure your child’s developmental growth is not put at jeopardy.

  1. Eliminate the possibility of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Children with ADD would also have a harder time staying focused. If your child finds concentrating difficult, you should get him/her checked for ADD. Even if your child tests positive for ADD, there are ways in which you could bring about a distinct change in his/her concentration building techniques.

For example, you can associate simple relaxation techniques, like deep breathing with visual imagery for positivity, because the brain can learn and develop new skills when it is in a peaceful and calm environment. There are many more ways to build concentration in case your child has ADD, apart from this, like playing different memory and concentration games, solving crossword and picture puzzles, etc.

  1. Rule out the possibility of learning disabilities

Children with learning disabilities also find it hard to stay concentrated on their studies and other tasks so parents should have them checked, if they display symptoms consistent with these ailments.

Like mentioned before, even if your child has been diagnosed with learning disabilities, there are special ways in which cognitive skills could be enlightened within his or her mind. Hope should not be lost.

  1. Chalk out a fixed routine

A lot of times, children find it harder to stay focused on the task at hand, if they are thinking about what else they could be doing at the same time. This is actually pretty normal, if anybody asks.

Children are always looking for newer opportunities for excitement and are an inextinguishable bundle of energy. If you chalk out a proper routine for them that gives them plenty of time to play, study, relax and do things of their own choice, they would find concentrating on the job at hand much easier.

  1. Make sure their physiological needs are met

In order for the children to be exercising their total cognitive facilities to the fullest extent, at least 9 hours of sleep is necessary; so make sure that your child gets the required amount of sleep. For the child to be able to concentrate on his/her work, their bodies also need to be properly nourished, in order to eventually let the mental faculties develop at their own pace.

In a healthy diet, to ensure you child’s cognitive faculties are up and running, you need to cut back on the sugar, and increase the protein levels with almonds, eggs and lean meat. This results in the release of the hormone dopamine, which makes concentration easier for kids, especially the lethargic ones. However, it has been advised to allow frequent breaks in between activities, for rest or leisure- and then resume at full pace. This prevents the breaking of concentration in case of kids.

  1. Limit screen time: TV, video game and computer

Excessive exposure to electronic media like the TV, video games and computers are also known to seriously hamper concentration in children. If your child spends a major chunk of his/her time in these activities, limit them and replace them with toys and activities that require him/her to concentrate like building models, drawing, etc. These also help in development of the hand-eye co-ordination of the child.

It is important to remember that concentration does not come naturally, it requires patience and time – and like any skill, it could be improved. So, never lose hope if your child gets a little bit more distracted than expected, with a loving, peaceful and calm environment, armed with the right strategies, you will be able to improve his or her concentration.

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