Parenting bits

5 Safety Mistakes Even The Best Of Mommies Make

Even the best mothers in the world are human only and naturally are prone to make mistakes. However, sometimes these unmindful mistakes can prove to be hazardous or even fatal for babies leaving them with impairments and neuro-muscular disorders for life. Here’s a list of the five most common mistakes that mothers can make and how they can be easily avoided.

1. Baby topples over when you’re not looking

When you are carrying your baby around in a carrier while shopping, it feels almost instinctive to place the carrier at the top of benches, counter tops etc. However, these carriers can very easily topple over with the slightest movement made by the baby and seriously injure your child. To prevent a catastrophe with a baby carrier placed on a higher surface, simply make it a habit to use a baby sling to carry the baby around when you are going shopping or are outside or simply place the carrier on the floor right in between your feet to create a safe circle around him.

2. Leaving toxic and dangerous things within baby’s reach

Even though most people have all the right childproofing in place before the baby is born, once the baby begins crawling, standing and walking, he will find his way into your lower drawers, cabinets, the space under your bed and even your trash bins. The trick to keeping a baby safe from hazards is to store breakables, medicines, anything with a sharp edge and things with small detachable pieces on upper shelves.

3. Not applying the brakes on a stroller every time you need to stop

Most stroller accidents happen because the parent didn’t think it was necessary to apply the stroller brakes when they stopped. Strollers without the brakes on can get away awfully fast when the parent is momentarily distracted. To avoid any stroller accidents, just make it a habit to apply the brakes even when you stop for a moment or invest in a model that comes with automatic brakes that activate anytime the stroller is not in motion.

4. Leaving baby unattended near stairs

As soon as babies begin to crawl, no place in and around the house is out of their reach. Being naturally inquisitive, crawling or walking babies like to “conquer” stairs and if they are left unattended for even the slightest while, they may try and crawl up and down a staircase on their own. Since it would be physically impossible to keep an eye on the child every waking minute, the best you can do to avoid a tragedy is to install stair gates at the bottom and top of your staircase.

5. Leaving baby unsupervised in the car

Having to take the baby out of the car seat and getting him harnessed in again is a meticulous chore which is why a lot of parents tend to skip the part when they need to be out of the vehicle for just a few moments. And this is exactly how trouble starts. You must never leave a baby or even a child alone in a car no matter how short a while you need to be away from your vehicle.

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